Archive for the ‘Tom Langland’ Category

Preparing for the Susan Polgar Foundation’s Nationwide Open for Girls and Boys: Part 2

January 19, 2015
Susan Polgar Foundation's Logo

Susan Polgar Foundation’s Logo

As your child gets more excited about playing in the Susan Polgar Foundation’s Nationwide Open for Girls and Boys you are likely wondering what you, as a parent, can do during the next forty days to maximize your child’s chances of playing well. Perhaps the most important aspect of preparing for a major chess championship is to first play in a quality practice tournament. 
Calchess President Tom Langland(left) with MSJE head coach Joes Lonsdale and the k-5 State Championship Team from MSJE.

Calchess President Tom Langland(left) with MSJE head coach Joes Lonsdale and the k-5 State Championship Team from MSJE.

While there are many worthwhile scholastic tournaments listed by the United States Chess Federation and Calchess, perhaps none is more ideal than the upcoming Tracy Chess tournament on January 30th. I say this because not only will your child get to use his/her acquired chess knowledge in a practice run for the Susan Polgar Foundations Nationwide Open for Girls and Boys but at the next Tracy Chess event your child can also meet the tournament organizer (Chris Torres) and Chief Tournament Director (Tom Langland) for the SPFNO. For only ten dollars, the next Tracy Chess tournament is an incredible opportunity for your child to get comfortable playing in a tournament setting while receiving some additional instruction from the gentlemen who will be on the floor at the Susan Polgar Foundation’s Nationwide Open for Girls and Boys.
January's Tracy Chess Tournament

January’s Tracy Chess Tournament

For more information on Tracy Chess be sure to check out
Poster for the Susan Polgar Foundation's Nationwide Open for Girls and Boys.

Poster for the Susan Polgar Foundation’s Nationwide Open for Girls and Boys.

Without a doubt, no-one exemplifies using chess as a key to success in life better than the former world chess champion, GM Susan Polgar.

Without a doubt, no-one exemplifies using chess as a key to success in life better than the former world chess champion, GM Susan Polgar.

For more information on Susan Polgar, hop over to