Archive for the ‘Computer Chess’ Category

Chess: Super Computer Against Itself

December 10, 2019

If you had two identical Deep Blue machines playing chess against each other, would each win half the time?

No, there still would be a first move advantage for white. I once created an experiment pitting the same version of stockfish against itself in a match consisting of 100 games played with equal amounts of time. Both engines had access to the same opening book and endgame table bases. At the end of the match, White had…

Artificial Stupidity: One Google Engineer’s Algorithms for Bad Chess Playing – The New Stack

September 15, 2019

Murphy has the brainpower to pull it off. He tells us that in 2007 he defended his computer science Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon — which was the same year the students began holding the annual SIGBOVIK conference on April Fool’s Day. Sponsored by the “Association for Computational Heresy,” it was a kind of satirical special interest group devoted to a fictitious researcher named “Harry Quizmaster Bovik,” and including a call for goofy papers on topics like “artificial stupidity.”
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A Colorful Way To Play Chess On An ATmega328 | Hackaday

September 1, 2019

We’ve all seen those chess computers that consist out of a physical playing field, and a built-in computer that would indicate where you should put its pieces while inputting the position of your pieces in some way. These systems are usually found in a dusty cardboard box in a back room’s closet, as playing like this is fairly cumbersome, and a lot depends on the built-in chess computer.
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The Chess Engine that Died So AlphaGo Could Live

March 15, 2016

The Burning Giraffe (Salvador Dali)

AlphaGo, a computer program designed by Google DeepMind, has just one more game to go against top-ranked Go player Lee Sedol in Seoul, South Korea, in a five-game match reminiscent of the 1997 showdown between Deep Blue and Garry Kasparov….

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Velocity Chess

August 9, 2014


Are you tired of the suspicious lag and disconnects on Don’t want to pay to play like on the ICC? Has FICS not been stable enough to meet your needs? There is a new contender for the title of best online chess server. Meet Velocity Chess!

On Velocity Chess you won’t have to worry about any of the problems listed above. Until recently, Velocity Chess’ only weakness was the lack of a large enough player pool to allow the die-hard chess players(like me) the ability to get a game of chess on at any hour. Apparently, the word has gotten out about the advantages of playing on VC and now it is full of players!

Velocity Chess has a state-of-the-art interface.

Velocity Chess has a state-of-the-art interface.


Velocity Chess offers several options that blow its competition out of the water. Below is a list of some of my favorite reasons for playing on Velocity Chess:


  • Free chess play for everyone who signs up
  • Being able to use Virtual Chips to wager on your games
  • The ability to cash-out Virtual Chips for cool prizes and gift cards
  • Honest game play
  • A stable platform
  • Velocity Chess is its own social network
  • Sharing games across multiple platforms is easy
  • The highest level of customer service I have ever experienced on a chess server.



No wonder so many top chess players are upgrading to Velocity Chess.


*I am not employed by or receiving any payment from Velocity Chess for this review. I simply want to share the best online chess server with my friends and fans.


Open Source Chess Engine Reigns Supreme

June 22, 2014

The free and open source chess engine, Stockfish, is now ranked number 1 on the Computer Chess Ratings List. Stockfish is also the Grand Champion of season six’s Thoresen Chess Engine Championship. Congratulations to the Stockfish Team and the open source movement.
